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"Art Nomade: International Meeting of Performance Art"
Curated by Dr Francis O’Shaughnessy, Sara Létourneau, Étienne Boulanger. Produced by Bang, Centre d’art Actuel; Langage Plus; Alma, Canada. 2013

I deliver an academic paper by L. Moran and J. Gilad (2007), entitled ’From Folklore to Scientifc Evidence: Breastfeeding and Wet-Nursing in Islam and the Case of Non-Puerperal Lactation’.

Audiences nearest to me discern a second, veiled, activity from the rhythmic drone of a pump and my oddly-shaped chest.

When I finish delivering the paper, I decant breastmilk expressed during the recitation into porcelain spoons. I then spoon-feed the audience, one person at a time.

photos by: Stefany Tremblay and Zeljka Jovic

* Special thanks to Steven Sharpe.

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