innumerable moments of momentary loss of composure
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innumerable moments of momentary loss of composure
innumerable moments of momentary loss of composure

video installation
"Word of Mouth"; Vivocity; Singapore. 2007

A video of the artist sneezing loops continuously: endless split-second losses of control over bodily movements and facial expression. Endless moments of mouth-wide-open ungraceful nakedness.

Feeling in particular need of blessings (from the gods or otherwise), I thought of the automatic "atchoo excuse me" followed by "bless you" that accompanies a sneeze.

In Japan, sneezes mean that someone is talking about you, thinking about you, badmouthing you, or your soul’s trying to escape, and the sneezer is bestowed blessings or good wishes in any case. 

photos by: Lynn Lu

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