snow angel
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snow angel
snow angel

street performance
"12th NIPAF 2005"; Shinjuku; Tokyo, Japan. 2005

This piece takes place in the shopping district of Shinjuku, in the summertime.

I ride my bicycle into the street bustling with shoppers. Unloading my bike basket, I toss on the ground bags of salt. I pour bag after bag of salt on the ground, creating a slowly expanding circle of snowy white. When all the bags are emptied, I gingerly lie down on the 2-meter wide circle, and sweep my arms and legs open closed open closed.

The silhouette of a stylized angel (with wings and a flared skirt) is formed in the salt. I get back on my bike and ride away into the crowd, leaving behind a snow (salt) angel upon the hot tarmac.

In Japan, salt connotes spiritual purity (as do angels in the West), and is used widely in Shinto practices.

photos by: Nomoto Shouhei and Angie Seah

*making 0.jpg
riding away.jpg
snowangel remnant.jpg